Saturday, June 04, 2005

Il Colosso...Roma

Il Colosseo...Roma, originally uploaded by Tommy the Artist.

The painting Il Colosso...Roma was taken from a photograph I took while in Rome. I only had six hours so I selected the colosseum as the one site I wanted to visit. The painting is based on a drawing done from the photograph with color added in water based oil paint. The final touch to the design was the addition of a glaze of transparent red in oil paint. The painting was developed in several glazes with a final glaze of liquin by Winsor and Newton, try it, it produces a very effective glaze over your painting.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Santa Fe Mail Box

SantaFeMailBox, originally uploaded by Tommy the Artist.

The photograph shown here was taken in Santa Fe, New Mexico during the time I spent in a watercolor painting workshop at the Ghost Ranch. My wife and I took a walking tour of Santa Fe gardens-they have gardens but little water to support then-during the heat of the day. I took many photos of the Santa Fe neighborhood we toured and was pleasantly surprised to find the mail box photo shown here in the batch I processed. I plan to submit the photo to The Artist in the Forest Art show in August. Maybe I will win a prize, hope so!