Monday, March 27, 2006

Jackson Square Final Painting

The painting shown here is the final version sent to the framer. Note the strong vertical and horizontal forms that lead the eye around the painting.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Jackson Square...New Orleans

Jackson Square
Originally uploaded by Tommy the Artist.
Jackson Square is a watercolor painting of the heart of New Orleans. I took a photograph on a recent trip to the City which I used to compose the painting. I will be back in the City next month for a workshop with John Salminen and plan to visit the square. I plan to submit the painting to Watercolor USA this year. Wish me luck.

Jackson Square

Jackson Square, originally uploaded by Tommy the Artist.

Jackson Square is at the heart of New Orleans. This full sheet 30"x22" painting was composed for a photograph I took on my last trip to the City in 2002. I will be back in the City for a watercolor workshop next month with John Salminen.